Monday, November 3, 2014

More quilts from IQA Houston


Every year there is a little quilt auction benefitting IQA. A few years ago I won a Pat Holly for a good price. This year there were many nice ones and I bid on two of them but didn’t win. Next time I need to bid higher since I can’t be there at the end.


Yvonne Porcella was honored with a big exhibit retrospective and it was beautiful to see lots of her quilts in one place!  She is one of the nicest quilter/teachers in the industry!



I love dogs so I love dog quilts and these were in a special exhibit supporting an animal shelter.

IMG_1901IMG_1902IMG_1903IMG_1904IMG_1909IMG_1910IMG_1911IMG_1912IMG_1913IMG_1914IMG_1915IMG_1916IMG_1917IMG_1918IMG_1919IMG_1920IMG_1921IMG_1922Hiroko took lots of classes from Noriko Endo and used her confetti techniques in the backgrounds!  A good student.


This one below  looks just like a Jane Sassaman! I wonder if she took a class from her?


The balance of pictures won’t fit in this post! There must be a graphics limit so I guess I will need one more post soon!

1 comment:

  1. I appreciate the chance to see these beautiful quilts. Thanks for posting them! I like the way IQA displays the information tags on the stands rather than covering any portion of the quilt.


